Mapping Our Emotions Recap

Contributor: Nailah Bakari
Photographer: Hannah Bernabe

Saffron & Sage held its Mapping Our Emotions workshop on Monday, September 26, 2016 at Luce Loft, located in the East Village. As always, the monthly class drew a big crowd, and opened the door for participants to take a look at how different, often difficult, emotions can manifest themselves physically in the body.


The class was facilitated by one of our esteemed Holistic Health Practitioners, Jacquelyne Price. Price began the class with a short breathing exercise, to support everyone’s transition into a relaxing evening. She asked that all participants be open to learning, sharing, and ultimately healing. The goal of the class was simply to begin bringing awareness to our emotions and how they manifest in physical ways.

To truly start the process, Price took a moment to give every participant a muscle test in order to determine each participant’s effected meridian. Meridians create a pathway for energy to move throughout the body. Through this flow, Meridians keep the body in balance. Blockages in the flow of energy can result in illness, physical or otherwise. Luckily, every meridian can be mapped to a different emotion. So when illness does occur, it can be traced back to an emotional issue or trauma that the affected person may not have worked through. For example, if one is experiencing poor digestion, this could mean the stomach meridian is affected, and it is connected to feeling like one’s needs are never satisfied. When Price administers the muscle test she is determining where the energy blockage is occurring, and thus revealing the affected meridian, and the emotions or feelings that are being triggered because of it.


The group had an array of affected meridians. Thankfully, Price did not stop at just identifying the blocked organs or systems. Price continued on into great detail about the possible causes of the energy block, the symptoms that might occur because of it, and, most importantly, offered a holistic remedy for each participants affected meridian. These remedies ranged from plant based medicine, like essential oils; recommending certain foods to eat, and to avoid; and even giving each participant a declaration to help heal the emotion associated with the meridian.

Price ended the workshop with a guided meditation. The meditation allowed everyone to visualize the dominant emotion, and determine a small step they could take to begin to overcome it. It was an informative and intimate class that led each “Saffron” to be more connected to their mind, body and soul.

If you were not able to join us and would like to attend Mapping Our Emotions, you can register for the next gathering here.