The Immunity Superpack


Where do you go to restore? 

This past year has introduced uncertainty unparalleled in times past. Social unrest, social distancing, and the constant threat of viral infiltration introduced the world to a new level of stress that demands attention and response. 

The Global Pandemic led to a Global Pause that created space to be still, reflect, and restore. In this time of restoration, immune health has risen to the forefront of  many minds. In this active pursuit of wellness and immune protection, Saffron and Sage has curated a group of products called “The Immunity Superpack” to help you invest in and support your immune system.

What do you receive in the Immunity Superpack?

Vitamin D with K2. 

The Immunity Superpack includes“Vitamin D Supreme” by Designs for Health. This supplement contains  5000 IU of Vitamin D and 550 mcg of Vitamin K. These two micronutrients are essential factors for your immune system and countless other biological processes. 

Nearly 1 billion people in the world are vitamin D deficient. Especially during winter months as we spend more time indoors and out of the sun, supplementation is important. In a recent study from Spain, they discovered that early calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D) treatment to hospitalized COVID-19 patients significantly reduced intensive care unit(ICU) admissions. Calcifediol also seems to be able to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms as another  Belgium study shows the connection between Vitamin D deficiency and severe cases of COVID-19. 

At Saffron and Sage, our Holistic Healthcare team can run labs to assess your current vitamin D levels and recommend sufficient dosing uniquely tailored to you. Please speak to your primary care provider before starting, adding, or changing any medications or supplements and obtain clearance from them if you choose to purchase medical grade supplements from our center. If you do not have a provider, we recommend setting up a consultation with Dr. Gokani to review the best supplements for you. 

Liposomal Vitamin C. 

In the fight to overcome Coronavirus, vitamin C has been a secret hero among many hospitals. There are several studies that have reflected the power of vitamin C to decrease the length of COVID-related ICU stays and decrease symptom severity. These results exemplify why our Saffron and Sage team has included this powerful supplement as an essential component of the Corona Kit. 

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, and it is a powerful antioxidant that helps support immune function in many ways. The Liposomal Vitamin C included with this kit has been studied to show its increased efficiency in being incorporated into and utilized by our bodies’ immune systems.

For more potent dosages of Vitamin C and increased immune support, Saffron & Sage also offers High Dose Vitamin C Intravenous Therapy. To schedule a High Dose Vitamin C IV therapy session with Dr. Arsallan click here.


Zinc is another important mineral for immune system support. It is best taken alongside Copper, as Zinc can deplete your Copper levels. For more information on Zinc or to order the Immunity Superpack today click here.

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