Autoimmunity & IV Therapy


What is an Autoimmune Disorder?

Autoimmune Disorders occurs when one’s own immune system mistakenly attacks its own cells. In these conditions, the person’s body does not recognize its own cells and treats these cells as bacteria, parasites, or intruders to attack and eliminate from the body.  An example of an Autoimmune disorder includes Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA). RA occurs when the immune system produces inflammation and causes pain and deterioration of multiple joints over time. 

Holistic Healthcare is essential in preventing and decreasing the symptoms of each of these conditions. Many of these conditions have a foundation of inflammation that causes the signs and symptoms of a lot of Autoimmune Diseases. Inflammation occurs when the body’s immune system is producing a lot of immune cells and messenger cells (also known as cytokines) attack and eliminate disease. When this is done out of balance, the results can be detrimental to the function of the body. As a result inflammation decreases the absorption of essential nutrients. This obstacle can be remedied through the use of Intravenous Nutrient Therapy. 

How Can IV Therapy Help someone with an Autoimmune Disease? 

Intravenous(IV) therapy involves a mixture of nutrients being delivered to the body directly through the bloodstream. This allows the nutrients to bypass the digestive system and enter the cells directly. This is a major source of nourishment for cells that have been starved for nutrients.

At Saffron & Sage, our IV Certified, Naturopathic Doctors can help individuals with autoimmune disorders optimize nutrient absorption through IV therapy to reduce excess inflammation in the body and therefore reduce symptoms and discomfort.

Other Healing Modalities for Autoimmune Disorders

Due to the constant state of inflammation caused by autoimmune disorders the body remains in a high stress state. Along with optimizing nutrition through IV therapy, It is essential to learn strategies and acquire tools to eliminate and efficiently cope with external stressors. 

There are many modalities that are beneficial in training the brain and body to respond to and release stress. These modalities include breathwork, massage, energy therapy and the list goes on.  These modalities have a dual benefit as they support the release of tension and toxic molecules that are stored in our tissues. Our team of Holistic Healthcare Practitioners at Saffron & Sage are expertly trained to support you in stress management sessions and trainings where you can learn the tools and techniques to combat stress as it arises. 

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