May's Full Moon in Scorpio & Total Lunar Eclipse


Contributor: Sophie Wingert

Full Moon in Scorpio

The full moon is the phase when the sun illuminates the entire moon, making her as round and as bright as possible. The full moon takes place once the seeds that were planted during the new moon come into bloom -- representing completion, fertility, abundance, and transformation.

Full Moon Scorpio

May Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse

On May 16 we find ourselves in another Full Moon. This full moon in Scorpio is a special one because there is also a total lunar eclipse taking place. This happens when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Full Moon and blocks the Sun's direct rays from illuminating  the Moon. Lunar eclipses can bring positive changes if we choose to embrace them.

Energy of the Full Moon

The energy from the full moon can be felt/harnessed 3 days leading up to the full moon and 3 days after, so allow for a full week window to experience the shift in energy this full moon in Scorpio is presenting to you.


Scorpio Full Moon

The moon in Scorpio creates the need to delve deeply into your feelings. During this time, you may seek more meaningful emotional exchanges and relationships even if it is not easy. The energy of this full moon may push you into change that can be difficult, but by embracing this difficult change you will see a positive outcome unfold.

Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign although it is actually an emotional water sign. Like fellow water signs, Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio is extremely clairvoyant and intuitive.

Some strengths of Scorpios are

  • resourcefulness

  • power

  • bravery

  • passion

  • true friendship

Weaknesses of Scorpios:

  • tendency to be distrusting

  • jealous

  • manipulative

  • sometimes violent

No matter what sign you are, you may see these characteristics in yourself during this full moon and they will be even more amplified to Scorpios. 

Full Moon Rituals

You can harness this Scorpio full moon energy by performing any of these rituals:

  • connect with nature

  • clean your physical space

  • give thanks

  • tie up loose ends

  • dance

  • journal

  • go for a moonlit walk

  • take a bath

Here are a few journal prompts to kickstart your thoughts:

  • If I wasn’t afraid of (….) then I would (…)

  • How can I release or let go of what is no longer serving me?

  • What has my intuition been telling me or guiding me towards?

Chakra Associated with the Scorpio Sign

The chakra most relevant to Scorpio is the power center. Citrine, tiger’s eye, and carnelian are crystals that will help assist in power center activation. Stop by our boutique to pick out your crystals for this full moon!

Self Care Practices for Scorpio Energy

Carving an hour or two out of your week for self care practices is important to allow room for the Scorpio energy to emerge. The areas of the body that Scorpio rules are the hips and genitals, so hip opening yoga and sexual health practices can be great self care practices during this full moon season. Meditation and deep breathing are another great way to ground the intense Scorpio energy.

Booking a breathwork or private yoga session here at Saffron & Sage would be a very beneficial self-care practice for this full moon phase.

Yoga Little Italy San Diego
Breathwork San Diego