5 Things to Eat This Spring


Contributor: Dr. Ericka Olson

Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth, and detoxification. We begin to awaken from our slumber as the days become longer and the earth becomes warmer. Just as new plants and flowers sprout upward and outward from the soil, we should incorporate foods with this same energy.


According to the Five Element Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), spring belongs to the wood element. The wood element is associated with the liver and gallbladder organs, which are both responsible for the free flow of qi (energy) through our bodies. When our qi is out of alignment or stagnant, we can become irritable and easily angered.

After the colder temperature and heavier food during the winter months, our bodies can become heavier – both physically and mentally. In order to bring in the new, we must make space by cleansing out the old. The liver helps to detoxify our bodies, and spring is the perfect time to assist the liver with this process utilizing seasonal foods. Think of it as spring cleaning for our organs.



Farmers markets are a great way to find the most seasonal food. Another option is to join a CSA, which is community supported agriculture. A box of seasonal foods from a local farm is shipped to you. Not only are you supporting local small farms, but you are sure to receive the freshest seasonal, most sustainable food. A great local CSA Saffron and Sage loves is W.D Dickinson Farms, is a veteran founded, owned and operated small plot urban farm located in San Diego South Bay. They organically grow heirloom fruit, vegetables, herbs, medicinal and dye plants.


1) Citrus Fruits – Lemons, limes, and grapefruit are great choices to add into your diet during spring. The sour flavor helps to break up stored fat and helps the liver flush out stored toxins. Try adding a whole squeezed lemon into 16 oz of water and drink first thing in the morning. Wait at least 30 minutes before consuming food. This will help the liver finish its detoxification process from the previous night.

2) Spinach and other leafy greens – The color green is associated with the wood element and springtime, so consuming foods rich in chlorophyll will help rejuvenate the liver. The darker the shade of green, the higher the chlorophyll content.

3) Asparagus – Another wonderful green vegetable to include during spring. Asparagus is freshest in spring and tends to be sweeter and more tender. Try lightly grilling with little oil or steaming and blending into a green soup.

4) Radishes – Radishes are a great addition to salads and can also be roasted. Radishes help to move the liver qi smoothly throughout the body.

5) Green onions (scallions) – The pungent flavor of green onions helps to send energy upward and outward, matching the energetics of the season. They also help to break up any stagnation that may have accumulated in our bodies during the winter season. Green onions pair well with any stir fry and are also delicious grilled.

Spring Foods
Spring Foods: Spinach
Spring Foods: Radish


Detoxing is important physically as well as mentally and emotionally. As you begin to add in seasonal foods to help the liver detox, this is a good time to take stock of what else you can release at this time. Are there any thoughts or feelings you may need to address and then release in order to make room for thoughts and feelings that are more aligned with who you want to be and the goals you are pursuing?

If you would like to learn more about how to eat seasonally and specifically for your element according to TCM, contact Saffron and Sage today to book your own personal nutritional therapy session.

Leggett, D. (2005). Helping ourselves: A guide to traditional Chinese Food Energetics. Meridian.