4 Simple Ways to Support Your Immune System Right Now

*The strategies outlined below support the function of your immune health, but they don’t protect specifically against COVID-19.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used for thousands of years to treat viruses by boosting our immune systems. The use of acupuncture, fire cupping, and herbal medicine have been shown to improve our immune systems by boosting our red and white blood cells, as well as our T cells, which destroy harmful viruses and bacteria. Along with receiving weekly acupuncture treatments, we can increase our immune function ourselves with a few easy steps.


Studies show that not getting enough rest, weakens the immune system. It is ideal to routinely go to bed and get up at the same time daily. The ideal hours for sleep are from 9 pm to 7 am. Going to bed by 9 pm is not very realistic for many of us, so aim to be asleep by 11 pm. This gives our bodies enough time to repair itself, which is vital in maintaining our immunity.


We all know that good nutrition is key to our overall health and our immune function is no different. It is believed that up to 70% of our immune function is dependent on our gut health. A variety of fruits and vegetable provide important nutrients as well as antioxidants which decrease inflammation and protect immune cells. Some important foods you can incorporate now are citrus fruits and garlic. Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which can help white blood cells function more effectively, while garlic’s compounds have been found to increase the number of virus fighting T Cells.

What to learn more about how you should eat based on your own personal history and make up? Book a Nutritional Therapy session with one of our doctors - it can be done virtually or in person!


Did your grandmother or mother ever say “don’t go outside with a wet head or you will catch a cold” well from a TCM perspective there is some truth to that. In TCM we believe that viruses can enter through the back of you neck. So keeping your neck covered and warm during cold and flu season is very important; even when you’re indoors or traveling, you want to keep you neck covered from any direct airflow, HVAC systems or vent.

4. Routine Acupuncture Sessions to Support Your Immune System

Studies have shown that acupuncture treatments help in preventing sickness, and shorten the duration of the symptoms. Acupuncture builds Wei qi which is the equivalent of our immune systems. Wei qi is our first line of defense against viruses. Stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, lack of movement all contribute to our Wei qi becoming weak. Acupuncture brings our entire system back into balance and thus strengthens our immune systems. Adding fire cupping will increase the immune boosting properties of the acupuncture treatments by increasing circulation, and nourishing Wei qi.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective in increasing our immune function, consistency with immunity treatments are key to increasing and maintaining your immune function. Including proper sleep, a diet rich in fruits and vegetable and reducing stress; will also aid your body in building a strong immune system for fighting through cold and flu season. 

book your immunity acupuncture treatment now!

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