The Ultimate Guide to Staying Stress-Free This Holiday Season

Contributor: Melody Mendez

With Christmas just a few days away and the quickly new year approaching, this time of year can be draining.

All the planning and preparation in combination with our daily routines PLUS the gloomy weather (which has a direct impact on our emotional state) it can feel like a lot.

With everything that goes into making the holiday great, one of the most overlooked activities is self-care. Taking care of ourselves is key to creating memorable holidays and maybe most importantly, SURVIVING them.

Whether you’re hosting or traveling, here are some simple tips to releasing a little stress around the holidays. 



Since ancient times, essential oils have been recognized as therapeutic agents for their wide range of pharmacological and physiological properties.

In numerous studies , it shows that several EO’s produce responses directly linked to the nervous system, suggesting that they are effective in alleviating symptoms such as stress, anxiety, depression and dementia.

Scientists, therapists and holistic practitioners will recommend the administration of EO’s by inhalation (aromatherapy), skin absorption or ingestion.


How to USE essential oils TO REDUCE STRESS


Aromatherapy Diffuser:

Adding essential oils to a diffuser, disperses oils into the air and fills the area with natural fragrances that shifts one’s mood and emotional state. Some of our favorite essential oils to use for stress and relaxation include: Lavender, Bergamot, Lemongrass, Neroli, Chamomile, Lemon, Yuzu, Orange and Ylang YLang. 


1. 5 drops Lavender + 3 drops Chamomile + 2 drops Ylang Ylang 

2. 4 drops Lemon + 4 drops Orange + 2 Drops Lavender 

3. 3 drops Bergamot + 4 drop Yuzu + 4 drops Lemongrass 

Massage Oil:

when you apply essential oils to the skin it is absorbed and then travels through the body via blood stream. Introducing essential oils into a massage , you are able to deliver a wide range of benefits to the body organs and systems and also create better blood circulation in that area of the body through massage.

As you can directly apply the essential oil directly onto your skin we suggest creating an oil mix that will help you get the most out of your essential oils.

Jojoba oil mimics the skin’s natural oil called sebum and is non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores and it absorbs into the skin quickly. It is the PERFECT carrier for your essential oils of choice, leaving the skin hydrated without feeling or looking shiny. Make sure to test your DIY massage oil on a small patch of skin to check for any skin irritations. 


- In a small glass container ( preferably a pump or roll on bottle ) pour 1-2 ounces of Jojoba Oil 

- Add 10 drops Ylang Ylang oil 

- Add 10 drops of Lavender oil 

- Add 7 drops of Orange oil 

- Add 7 drops Neroli oil 

Aromatherapy Spray:

Creating your own aromatherapy spray is a fast and easy DIY project you can do at home that eliminates toxins and keeps you and your family safe from harsh chemicals. Aromatherapy spray can be used on your blankets, pillows, rugs, furniture, towels and even your face mask.

Use it at home, while traveling or even keep in your purse and car for instant relaxation. 


- In a 8oz spray bottle pour in 4oz of Distilled Water 

- Add 2oz of witch hazel 

- Add 10 drops Chamomile + 10 drops Lavender + 10 drops Bergamot

- Shake the bottle well before each spritz

-Breathe deep & relax




Not only are they beautiful, but holding crystals , setting them around your home or even placing them on your body is said to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Crystals naturally interact with your body’s energy field and chakras to alleviate stress and anxiety. They emit positive, uplifting, and calming vibrations and help cleanse spaces of any stagnant energies.

Top 3 Crystals for Stress & Relaxation:

AMETHYST: It’s a WONDERFUL crystal to promote calmness, clarity and relaxation. This crystal is said to be a natural tranquilizer, releasing negative energy, stress and irritability. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, open intuition and enhances psychic abilities. Place your amethyst on your chest or hold in your palms to help promote a relaxing sleep. 


LÉPIDOLITE: This stone is Extremely unique for its natural levels of Lithium. Lithium is a mood stabilizer that works directly with the brain and is widely used in anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications known to rebalance emotions. Lithium is a soothing calming mineral that will help you deal with stress and trouble relaxing. Place your Lepidolite over your forehead or meditate with it to release any unwanted emotions or thoughts. 


BLACK TOURMALINE: There are several variants of Tourmaline depending on their shade, yet Black Tourmaline is quite special as this JET black wonder is the combination of all the colors. Hence, Black Tourmaline is perceived as the combination of all other tourmalines. For some people it is believed to be a combination of ALL CRYSTALS. This gemstone is an electrically charged stone with powerful healing properties that improves mental health. With its power to get rid of negative energies and unwanted emotions , you can stay calm and relaxed during these unfortunate and hectic times. Carrying your Black tourmaline with you in your pocket , purse or as a form of jewelry is ideal for getting rid of negative emotions. 




We believe in the interconnection of Mind, Body and Spirit to gain optimal heath and wellbeing.

Treating yourself this holiday season is crucial, here are some of our most popular self-care treatments we offer: 


Acupuncture is a holistic health technique that stems from Traditional Chinese Medicine practices (TCM) in which trained practitioners stimulate specific points on the body by inserting thin needles into the skin.

Acupuncture is used to promote and restore the balance of energy, which flows throughout the body, to aid in overall wellbeing. From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture relieves stress by promoting the movement of Qi In the body. Qi is the energy that usually flows smooth and freely throughout the body but can become stuck due to stress and disease.

We have several acupuncture offerings at Saffron & Sage, all specifically designed to target a variety of conditions. 


Massage therapy is a form of bodywork in which different touch techniques are applied to provide relaxation and restoration by manipulating the skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Depending on your physical, emotional or spiritual state we have a variety of massage options to support your overall wellbeing. Browse our massage therapy offerings to book your perfect session today. 


Breathwork analyzes current breathing patterns and opens restricted airflow to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well being. It is a healing method that employs a high-vibration energy, created by an open, full and connected breath.

Our multi-modality train practitioners will guide you to a full, open and conscious breath. Every inhale represents your ability to receive, every exhale your ability to let go. Diving this deep allows you to unlock mental and emotional and transform your overall vibrational frequency. Increasing energy levels, reduces stress and anxiety, clears limited beliefs and creates connection to Higher Self. Haven’t tried it yet? Book your breathwork treatment now!


Fire cupping is a treatment technique based in Traditional Chinese Medicine that uses glass cups and heat ( from fire) to create suction that allows for the stretching and opening of the tissue in the body. Cupping is known to help activate the lymphatic system, promote blood circulation, and is good for deep tissue repair. When your therapist glides the cups across the skin your parasympathetic nervous system engages. This promotes DEEP relaxation to move through your entire body. 

Take Little Moments To Recharge

Sometimes the best solution is to REST, RELAX and RECHARGE. It's hard to be your best on an empty gas tank. Here are some easy and quick moments you can allow yourself to have throughout the day. 

Rest your mind, thoughts and unwanted emotions by taking a few minutes out of your day to journal. Journaling can reduce stress by serving as an escape or emotional release of negative thoughts and feelings. Studies prove that those with various medical conditions and anxiety who journaled for 15 minutes, three times a week, had fewer depressive states and improved well being after one month. Here are some journal prompts to help you get started: 

○ In what three ways can you be more gentle with yourself? 

○ Write down 5 things that make you happy. Why do they make you happy and how can you use them to reduce stress? 

○ Write a letter to something or someone that contributes to your stress.

For 5 minutes, write down everything that worries you. How can you eliminate those worries from your life? 

Relax and enjoy a bubble bath to release tension in your physical and mental body. Hot baths can release muscle aches and tension caused by stress. Submerging your body in water can also reduce inflammation and also calm the nervous system, reducing the levels of stress and anxiety in the body and improving your mood. We carry a variety of Bubble Bath Essentials in our online boutique as well as in brick and mortal space located in Mission Hills.

Our favorite products to spruce up your baths are :  Leef Organics Steep Bath Tea, Maude Bath Salt Products, Public Goods Sea Sponge, DoTerra Lavender Essential Oil and Maude Unscented Body Wash

Recharge and head outside. One of the easiest and most effective ways to recharge and ground yourself is to spend time outdoors. When you move your body , you produce endorphins that will help you feel good. Studies show that being in nature lowers your stress-hormone cortisol and decreases your heart rate and blood pressure. Taking a moment to plant your bare feet in the grass or soil, laying or walking around outdoor environments, particularly those with green spaces ground you, reduce stress and ultimately improve health. 

It’s very clear that self-care is an integral part of our emotional state, mental health and physical wellbeing. You wouldn't let your car run out of gas or your cell phone run out of battery, don't let it happen to yourself either.


Self-care is not an expense… it is an investment.

The past 2 years have been full of uncertainty and high stress, it is time to invest in health and wellness in 2022.

Book a complimentary consultation to see how we can help you reach your wellness goals and stay calm and relaxed not only during the holidays season but all year round. 

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