June New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Gemini


Harness the energy of a New Moon & Solar Eclipse

As you may have noticed, eclipse season is in full swing. June’s New Moon is paired with a Solar Eclipse.

The conjunction of a New Moon & Solar Eclipse is extremely potent; both events encourage us to turn inward. The New Moon invites us to focus on what we want to manifest for the upcoming moon cycle.

Pro tip: be specific. Speak your manifestations because words carry frequency.

Let’s break this down…

Solar Eclipse:

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon is directly between the earth and the sun. Energetically, this summons us to focus on internal change. Namely, personal desires, goals and what is important to you. Themes of this Solar Eclipse are relationships, communication and sacred partnership. Sacred partnerships can be with others and especially with yourself. Eclipse season can feel destabilizing, so loosening your grip on control is key. Stay flexible and remember that you are supported and held.

New Moon in Gemini:

The New Moon represents new beginnings. This brings darkness, a time to incubate with yourself and set intentions. Darkness has a bad rap, however, it’s truly the space to be with yourself, set intentions and self-soothe. Without darkness, there is no light. Focus your intentions and become clear of who you want to transform into once you emerge from the darkness.

Gemini energy is charming, intelligent and social. Geminis know a little about everything and could talk to a brick wall. This New Moon, you may feel more talkative than usual and able to speak your truth. You may feel a craving for spontaneity and change, how can you honor that?

Practices for this New Moon:

Write a mantra to replace an outdated story.

Maybe you’ve recognized the stories that play in your head. Sometimes we don’t even notice them and they play as background noise, like a TV that we forgot to turn off. Most of the time, the stories aren’t true, but we listen to them anyway. Now is the time to rewrite those stories.

  1. Call out an outdated story. 

2. Remind yourself that the story is real, but it is not true. Ask, how do I want to feel

3. Write a mantra depending on your answer: “I am worthy”, “I am loved”, “I am resilient”.

Attend a moon circle.

As we mentioned, you may be feeling more social than usual. Harness this energy by attending our moon circle on June 11, or gather with a few close friends.

Practice a mudra.

Gemini rules the hands. Ida Mudra balances the lunar channel of energy.

Speak intentions or manifestations out loud.

Once you set your intentions or manifestations, give them up to the universe. Add voice to them. Our words carry energy and speaking them out loud lets the universe know that you are ready to receive and embody them. 

New Moon invocation.

Let the universe know you are ready to step into your power by creating your own invocation or utilizing ours.

Dear Universe,

I am ready to live in my power. 

May I remember that joy and peace are my natural state. 

I am abundant, I am worthy and I am here

And so it is!

The energy of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse may be intense. During this time, harmony between your head and your heart is important. Although you may feel the need to be social, also honor time with yourself. Practice the sacred partnership with your head, heart, mind and body. 

You are held, you are loved, you are exactly where you need to be.

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