Embrace the Unique Energy of May's Full Super Moon + Total Lunar Eclipse!

full moon

This Month’s Full Moon is an Incredible Opportunity to Move Towards Necessary Change and Adventure!

May’s Full Moon brings unique and exciting energy that will awaken our souls to take action towards necessary change.

This Full Moon aligns with several excited luminary events all at the same time.

  1. It is the first eclipse of the year and the first in total lunar eclipse since 2019!

  2. May’s Full Moon is called the Annual “Flower Moon” named to reflect the height of the Spring flower season.

  3. It’s a Supermoon + Blood Moon! A supermoon occurs when the moon is especially close to the earth at the time of a full moon. May’s full moon will be closer to the earth than any other supermoon this year PLUS because of the total Lunar Eclipse the filtered light will cast a reddish glow on larger than life moon.

  4. Lands in Sagittarius, a fire sign known for its free-spirited and knowledge-seeking energy.

That’s a lot going on… so let’s break it down a little bit more.


A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow. There are several different types - total, partial and penumbra, but the most dramatic is the total lunar eclipse (which this one is!) when the earth’s shadow completely covers the moon.

This eclipse is one of a series of eclipses that began last spring, which awakened our souls to move towards necessary change.

In astrology, eclipses are believed to be a time of cosmic upheaval, during which change happens at a rapid pace as we strive to realign with our true fates.

A lunar eclipse is the time to honor the body, mind and spirit.

May’s total lunar eclipse will be most visible from the Pacific Ocean and surrounding areas early in the morning of May 26.


This Full Moon is known as the Flower Moon since May marks the height of spring in the northern hemisphere, when many flowers are in full bloom.


A supermoon occurs when the moon is especially close to the earth at the time of a full moon. May’s full moon will be closer to the earth than any other supermoon this year!


For a Blood Moon to occur, a very specific set of circumstances need to line up including a lunar eclipse. When the Moon passes through the Earth's shadow the light from the Sun is blocked from illuminating it. The moon temporarily takes on a reddish hue from any light which is able to filter through, and is thus named a “blood moon.”


This Super Moon falls in Sagittarius, a fire sign with incredible free and adventurous energy. Known as being a truth-seeking sign – this moon will force us to step back and get real with ourselves and others.

It’s not the time to ignore situations as we will be cosmically pushed to face them head on and confront matters.

So with all this energy swirling around, what do we do?

Change happens fast during eclipse season, so this full moon is a loud invitation to keep our hearts and minds open.

Full moons are a time to bring matters to a climax or conclusion. As the energetic high point of the lunar cycle, they can cause heightened tensions within relationships, illumination of truths, and intense surges of emotions.

With the Moon in Sagittarius, be unafraid of change.

Let’s collectively relish the new and exciting and use this energy to propel us forward towards our greatest goals.

With the fiery and optimistic sign of Sagittarius leading the way, don’t feel surprised by a heightened sense of wanderlust or desire to seek out new and soul expanding experiences.

With all this energy, it is a perfect time to challenge your own stories and beliefs and be open new ways of thinking, acting and feeling.

What can you do at home to harness all this energy?


This Lunar Eclipse heightens the energy of the Full Moon, encouraging you to embrace endings and let go of what is no longer serving you. Every inhale represents your ability to receive, every exhale your ability to let go.

Approximately 70% of the toxins in our body are released through the breath.

Although our bodies breathe automatically, there is power and transformation behind the intention and awareness of the breath.

We can live for up to 40 days without food, survive for up to 3 days without water, but only for moments without the breath. Breathwork is an opportunity to tap into your life-force, shift the lens in which you view your life, and very intentionally fill your body with the vital fuel it needs to survive and function at its most optimal state.

Find a quiet spot and carve out 5 uninterrupted minutes.

Place one hand on your lower belly, one hand on your heart. Relax your jaw and let your mouth hang slightly open as you start to inhale and exhale through the mouth.

Start the breath in your belly, letting your bottom hand lift as your belly fills, then pull the breath through your solar plexus (the energy center above your navel and below your ribcage) then all the way up into your chest and heart space feeling your top hand rise.

Then like a simple sigh, let the breath go.

The inhale is the focus - finding full expansion and your exhale is soft, almost like you are sighing the breath out, then pull the breath in again before you hit the bottom of your exhale.

Find a connected loop so the breath exists without pause. Imagine your inhale like a wave rushing to shore and your exhale soft and simple like the water returning to the ocean.

Soften hips, shoulders and throat and gently close the eyes.

Breathe fully and intentionally for 5 minutes.


Journaling is a form of meditation and now is a PERFECT time to take pen to paper. Here are some journal prompts to consider with this Full Moon:

  • What do I need to let go of to gain greater freedom? What lessons have I been resisting that are restricting my freedom?

  • Where have I been avoiding seeking the additional knowledge needed for my expansion? Where have my beliefs been closed to the perspectives of others?

  • What can you move towards with an open heart & open mind

  • Create a list of places you have been craving to explore - plan your next adventure!


Embrace and embody Sagittarius’ adventurous and free-spirited nature as you navigate the paths that are unfolding in front of you.

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