4 Crystals for your WFH Space 

Reiki San Diego

By: Reiki Master Tiffany 

Whether working from home is a dream become reality or you are still finding your footing on managing your space, here are some suggestions for easing and tensions of working from home as well as amplifying the good vibrations of taking important meetings in sweatpants! All with a little help straight out of nature!  

While Earth and our bodies function at a vibration that aligns to nature, which keeps our existence in balance, our electronics resonate at frequencies that do not! Not only that, but if you weren’t already working from home, the transition of bringing work related energy into your home, which ideally serves as your own personal sanctuary, can pose to tribulations. 

Crystals can help! 

Crystals are naturally derivatives of the healing frequencies of Planet Earth.  We can utilize their vibrations to assist restoring balance in areas, physical or emotional, that may be lacking balance. Here are a few suggestions that will help smooth out energies within you or your home. 

 Black Tourmaline: grounding / transmutes negative energy

Black Tourmaline

Touted as one of the most effective dispellers of negative energy, Black Tourmaline is an exceptional stone for grounding and transmuting energy. This selfless stone, powerfully absorbs negative energies while further offering a generous amount of protection from recurring incidences of negativity. Not only that, but when we start to feel overwhelmed, with our workload, emotionally, or even irritated due to technological issues or not seeing eye to eye with a coworker, this handy is perfect for grabbing and taking a moment to allow your energy to settle and ground. 

 Shungite: protection from EMFs


EMFs, electromagnetic fields, radiating out from our electronics, computers, tablets, cell phones, etc, are known to release frequencies that are a bit unkind to organic material. That organic material being your physical body!  Shungite is noted for its remarkable ability to neutralize EMFs and create a slightly more coherent coexistence with our necessary electronic usage.  While Shungite won’t be able to assist you in learning how to edit a PDF file, it may just help neutralize your feelings towards technology and likely soften the impact of all day electronic usage.  

Fluorite: focus / mental clarity


Working from home, while comfortable, may come with other obstacles, such as distractions! It’s easy to turn our focus elsewhere, when we are within our own domain. The laundry needs to be done, there are more snacks available at whim, and you may have a child or two running a muck. Fluorite to the rescue! This stone is said to assist in increasing powers of concentration and is even an excellent learning aid. Fluorite helps us to feel confident in decision making and managing our workload more efficiently. 

Clear Quartz: master healer stone / cleanses all energy / amplifies all other crystals


Clear Quartz is considered the master healer stone. The energy of clear quartz crystals harmonizes all energies, our environment, our selves, and even other crystals. So the benefits of the crystal farm around your desk (or the one that will be there soon), will be amplified exponentially having a simple, beautiful clear quartz hanging closely by!  

Clearing and energizing crystals

Since these crystals will be working hard for you, a bit of attention and care is required. To clear crystals of any energies they may have absorbed, allow the crystal to soak in a bowl of water with salt, or bathe the crystal in the light of a full moon. Simply running the crystal under water is also effective. To energize your crystals, allow them to sit out in the sun, absorbing its powerful transformative energy and infuse your crystals with intention and direction.  


Remember intention is everything, and your participation is required, but crystals will keep it pretty in the process! 

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