3 Detox Recipes to Make This Fall

Contributor: Dr. Hilda Gonzalez

Given the current Covid- 19 crisis and upcoming cold & flu season, detoxification is even more important as it directly impacts the function of our immune system. Now is the perfect time to commit to a self-care routine to nourish and detox your body to protect and strengthen your health and wellbeing for the upcoming months.

Autumn is the season of harvest, where we dive inward and gather on all levels.

Check out 3 of our favorite recipes from our Autumn Detox Series!

Nopal/Mexican Cactus Salad:

(Dr. Gonzalez’s mother's recipe)


  • 4 Mexican cactus/nopales leaves chopped into small pieces (make sure you purchase cleaned leaves without the spines)

  • 2 large tomatoes

  • 1 bunch of cilantro

  • 1/2 large onion

  • 1 chopped large jalapeno (optional)

  • 2 large lemons

  • salt 


  1. Rinse the nopales

  2. Put them in a pot & bring them to a boil

  3. Chop up the tomato, cilantro, onion, and jalapeno

  4. Allow the nopales to cool

  5. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl

  6. Squeeze the lemons over the salad

  7. Add your favorite seasonings or salt to taste

Energy Kale Salad:

(2-4 people)


  • 8 leaves of Kale

  • 1/4 cup of chopped walnuts

  • 2 carrots

  • 1/2 cup of cranberries

  • Juice from 2 large lemons

  • 1/4 cup of hemp seeds and/or chia seeds (optional)

  • 1 tbls of olive oil

  • salt & pepper to taste

(10 minutes)

  1. Rinse & dry all your veggies

  2. Take off the stems from the kale (I use my hands)

  3. Cut the kale (without stems) into small pieces (I shred it with my hands)

  4. Put it into a large bowl & massage the kale , show it some love! (VERY IMPORTANT)

  5. Grate or chop up the carrots into fine pieces & add them to the bowl

  6. Add all the other ingredients & mix

  7. Serve & enjoy!

Fall Vegetable Medley Stuffing:

(serves 8)

  • Coconut oil

  • 1/2 chopped yellow onion

  • 1 minced garlic clove

  • 3 cups of shredded kale

  • 2 cups of chopped celery

  • 2 cups of chopped spinach (if using baby spinach no need to chop)

  • 2 cups of green beans 

  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste or 1/2 cup of tomato sauce  ( homemade is best, but whatever you have on hand will be fine)** 

  • 2 chopped medium size green apples (if you’d prefer a sweeter crunch go for some gala apples)

  • 1.5 cups of Low-sodium veggie broth/stock

  • 4 large sweet potatoes (washed and peeled)

  • 8 slices of  your favorite gluten free bread. 

  • Herbs: 1 teaspoon of dry rosemary, 1 teaspoon of dry basil (if you’re going with fresh which is always best, then do a few chopped up leaves), 1 teaspoon of thyme, a pinch of oregano, & if you’re into spice 1 teaspoon of chili flakes (optional)

 **if you are in Autumn detox, you can substitute the tomato paste/sauce for the “no tomato sauce” recipe. 


  1. On a pan add 1.5 teaspoon of coconut oil, followed by the chopped onion after a few seconds of the oil sitting over medium heat

  2. After the onion begins to brown, add in the garlic & herbs. Mix a couple times.

  3. After a few minutes, (I bet your house is starting to smell delicious!) add the chopped apples, kale & celery. Stir (IF USING TOMATO PASTE, YOU WOULD ADD IT BEFORE THIS STEP. IF USING TOMATO SAUCE, WAIT!)

  4. Once the kale starts to look “wet”, which shouldn’t take very long, add the green beans & sweet potatoes. Stir.

  5. Meanwhile set your oven to 350, toast your  bread & cut bread into small pieces

  6. After a few minutes, when the green beans have thawed, add your tomato sauce (If using tomato paste look at step 3)

  7. Allow your veggies to cook in the tomato sauce for only a few minutes, you don’t want them to overcook.

  8. Turn off heat, throw in chopped spinach & Stir.

  9. Transfer your veggies to a baking pan, add your veggie broth & THEN add your bread “crumbs”/small pieces of bread to the top.

  10. Bake for 20 minutes.

  11. Remove from the oven, and right before serving, mix the bread with the veggies. This will allow them to maintain a crunch but still have absorbed the juices.

  12. Garnish with some parsley & enjoy!

 *As always, I invite you to PLAY with your food & modify the recipe to your liking. If you want to add more of this or less of that, feel free!!!!

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