5 Reasons to Try Breathwork

Breathwork San Diego

Contributor - Jessie Svec, Holistic Practitioner & Breathwork Facilitator

First of all….

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a holistic, non-invasive, modality that employs a high-vibrational energy, created by the breath, for deep resolution of body, feelings, mind, and spirit.

During a session, a breathwork facilitator will analyze current breathing patterns to open restricted airflow for improved mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. It is a therapeutic technique that employs a high-vibrational energy, created by an open, full and connected breath, to support a greater sense of self awareness and self healing.

5 Reasons You Should Try Breathwork:

  1. Breath Equals Life

    Although our bodies breathe automatically, there is power and transformation behind the intention and awareness of the breath.

    Ask yourself these questions:

    How much do I pay attention to my breathing pattern?

    Do I find myself sometimes holding my breath without realizing it?

    Am I breathing into my chest or belly?

    Chances are you could be breathing more efficiently, taking in more oxygen (thus feeding your body the vital fuel it needs to operate at its optimal level).

    We can live for up to 40 days without food, survive for up to 3 days without water, but only moments without the breath.

    Breathwork is an opportunity to tap into your life-force and shift the lens in which you view your life.

  2. Release Toxins

    Approximately 70% of the toxins in our body are released through the breath. Breathing deeply and intentionally supports both the strength of our immune system and respiratory function. Our lungs bring oxygen from the air we breathe to the red cells in our blood. They then carry oxygen around the body to be used by every cell in our body. The lungs also help the body to get rid of CO² when we breathe out.

  3. Relax and Calm the Mind & Body

    Deep diaphragmatic breathing taps into your parasympathetic nervous system. This is opposite to your sympathetic nervous system - the one that kicks your fight of flight reaction into gear. The parasympathetic nervous system produces a calm, relaxed feeling in both the body and mind when activated. People can learn to engage their parasympathetic nervous system to quickly reduce their sense of anxiety and stress by paying more attention to the way they breath - especially in high stress situations. This can also increase mood, strengthen the immune system, and reduces blood pressure.

  4. Reduce Stress & Anxiety

    Chest breathing (unlike diaphragmatic breathing) is designed for situations of great exertion such as running a race of biking up a steep hill. However, it is often utilized in stressful or tense situations. In addition to causing physical discomfort (tightness in shoulders, neck and chest - even causing headaches) this shallow breath limits the diaphragm's range of motion.

    When the lowest part of the lungs doesn't get a full share of oxygenated air, it can make you feel short of breath and anxious. By tapping into deep diaphragmatic breathing with a conscious connected breath you are able to find relief from anxiety and stress.

  5. Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

    Everything in the universe, including ourselves, exist in a state of vibration. Feelings, thoughts and emotions such as; grief, fear, sadness, loss, anger, depression and darkness exist in the lowest vibrational frequency. When we pay attention to our breathing, creating a conscious connected loop to hyper-oxygenate our bodies and cells, we start to increase our vibrational frequency. By doing this we can integrate those lower frequencies, transforming the lens in which we view our lives, and shifting into a higher vibrational state of love, happiness, joy, positivity and light.

Breathwork San Diego


The type of breathing pattern we utilize at Saffron & Sage is a conscious, connected breath. During your private session, a breathwork practitioner will observe and analyze your natural breath pattern, then guide you to a full and open breath that creates a loop without pause.

Every inhale represents your ability to receive, every exhale your ability to let go.

On a purely physical level, you will be hyperoxgenating your body, feeding it the vital fuel it needs to operate at its highest, optimal level. Diving deeper allows you to unlock mental and emotional regressions and repressions to raise and transform your overall vibrational frequency.

Interested in giving it a try?

Check out our Breathwork offerings HERE

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