The Immunity Biohack Technology You Already Own.

Author: Dr. Hilda

In a time when we schedule everything from play-dates to yoga class, even during times of quarantine, keeping our schedules still continues to be a priority. Well, what if we tapped into that feature in our phones to schedule lifestyle activities to support us through the most stressful times in our lives? 

This is simply about sitting down, writing out your typical day down to the schedule of your bowel movements. Do you always forget to drink water? Add a reminder on your phone to drink 8-12 ounces of water every hour. 

Do you tend to get a second surge of energy in the evening, and by the time you get to bed it’s well past the time you had planned? Set a timer to start slowing down your evening and begin to incorporate your nighttime ritual at least an hour before going to bed, e.g. plan to sleep by 10pm, set a reminder for 9pm. 

You may also like to consider aligning your activities with the 5 element meridian clock. See below: 

For example, setting a reminder to eat breakfast during the Earth time, 7a-11a, which is the time of the day when according to Chinese Medicine our digestion is at its most active. 

Perhaps you are interested in supporting your lungs. Well, following along the meridian clock the best time for that would be during the Metal time, the time where our Lungs are at their fullest potential. This would be the ideal time for breathwork, Qi gong, a cardio blast, yoga, morning walk, etc. 

Now, if you are looking for a time to cultivate intimacy with your partner or with yourself, the best time would be during the second Fire element time of 7p-11p. 

Whatever lifestyle change you choose to focus on know that you have the support of Ancient philosophy and modern technology. There is no better time than now to begin to cultivate these practices. For more insight into how the 5-element meridian clock can support your life, schedule an appointment with one of our Licensed Acupuncturists.

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