The Benefits of Hypnotherapy

By Vanessa Mergulhao, Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Reiki Master

For some people hypnosis may be associated with loss of control or stage tricks. In reality, many recent studies have shown it to be a serious science, revealing the brain’s ability to heal physical and psychological conditions.

Hypnosis has been used for centuries in different forms and has been reevaluated in the light of modern medicine and science as an effective biological, psychological, sociological and spiritual approach.

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is seeing a resurgence in personalized and holistic medicine because of its effectiveness without the use of drug, injections or side effects.


Hypnosis is a state of deepened physical relaxation and heightened concentration, in which direct communication with the subconscious mind greatly increases the effectiveness of positive change.

Hypnosis is a commonly occurring state of mind we may experience many times a day. People, whether they know it or not, move in and out of trance-like states frequently. Daydreaming while driving, in class or at work can be considered a natural state of hypnosis. This trance state can be facilitated through hypnotherapy, which is the applied use of hypnosis, to produce positive effects in the body and mind.

If your mind were a computer, think of the subconscious mind as the hard-drive, where all the memories and experiences are stored, and it’s filled with phenomenal mysteries and untapped powers. 


The subconscious mind controls our feelings, emotions, self-esteem, beliefs, behavior, and even our immune system.  Hypnosis is the primary method used to access the subconscious mind and harness its incredible power for healing as it releases limitations that may have been blocking us from achieving our desired goals.


Some of the benefits that can be achieved through hypnotherapy include:

  • Reduce anxiety and stress

  • Change undesirable habits or behaviors

  • Cessation of smoking

  • Increase motivation

  • Improved relationships

  • Boost confidence and self-esteem

  • Release trauma

Research has found that the power of hypnosis to alter your mind and body can be explained by changes that happen in a few specific areas in the brain. Scientists have scanned the brains of a group of people under hypnosis and have observed that distinct sections of the brain have altered activity and connectivity while someone is hypnotized.


During a hypnotherapy session you are in a relaxed state, between sleep and consciousness; as you are guided into a deep meditative state where you’ll be able to focus within, draw upon your innate wisdom and harness your powerful inner resources to awaken your own natural healing power.

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