What is Neuro Emotional Release?

Neuro Emotional Release (NER) is a form of psychological therapy designed to help individuals overcome emotional blocks that are preventing them from achieving optimal performance. Neuro Emotional Release involves the use of energy psychology, which is based on the belief that the mind and body are interconnected and that emotional trauma can be stored in the body. It is thought that by releasing these physical blocks, individuals can reduce or eliminate chronic pain, fatigue, and other symptoms of emotional distress.

The goal of Neuro Emotional Release is to help individuals recognize, understand, and release the underlying emotions associated with specific physical or mental health problems. During a Neuro Emotional Release session, a therapist will help the individual explore their feelings and beliefs about the issue and the events that may have triggered it. The therapist may also suggest techniques to help the individual recognize and address the feelings and beliefs associated with the issue. These techniques may include relaxation, guided visualization, and other methods.

In Chinese medicine, certain emotions are linked to certain organs in the body. In your NER session you will be able to identify which organs in your body are tied to the emotions that come up. Acupuncture is a great modality to combine with NER because your practitioner will be able to physically treat those organs right away.

The benefits of Neuro Emotional Release can be far-reaching. It can help individuals gain insight into their emotions, allowing them to manage and resolve difficult or uncomfortable feelings. It can help individuals release the physical blocks that are causing pain or discomfort, and it can help people learn to recognize and address the underlying emotions associated.

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