New Moon In Cancer

Contributor: Saffron & Sage
Photographer: Saffron & Sage

You can harness the moon's energy two days before and after a new moon; if you missed our new moon circle on July 12, 2018 here is Integrative Healer, Rob Nguyen's take on this celestial event and his suggestions for incorporating the moon's energy during this time of the month.


A S T R O L O G Y :  

The New Moon in Cancer on July 12-13th marks the start of eclipse season for the summer. This supermoon in Cancer this week, although hidden and invisible to the human eye, is just as powerful and bright as a full moon's lunar rays. The watery Cancer will pull our darker moods in different directions and remind us to nourish our bodies and vulnerabilities. How are your needs being met today as a human, a mother, or child of Earth? 

Cancer inspires us to honor our armor; the crab shell that establishes boundaries and trust in the Source and with each other. How do you arrive back into TENDERNESS in your own mental and emotional landscape? Can you devote yourself to WHOLESOMENESS by acknowledging past hurts and wounds from the past? It's time to re-learn these emotions again and see if we have grown.

T H E   P H Y S I C A L : 

Lunation of Cancer; archetype: the devoter, protector, and self-sacrificer 

Cancer rules the bodily region of the heart space and breast/stomach

Yin Yoga poses to release blockages: traditional child's pose, supported fish, earth hugging pose, sphinx

Crystal that illuminates this moon: Rose Quartz will rescue those who are stuck in a mind loop of past trauma. These emotional blockages can be relieved by writing the emotion and trauma on a piece of paper and placing the crystal on top. 

Essential Oil: Rose or Geranium facilitates in building trust for others and the Self. To love compassionately for oneself again and transferring that to others.