The Significance of the Summer Solstice
By: Kimberly Blair, Reiki Master
The Summer Solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere) and the OFFICIAL start to Summer.
Finally, the Earth has reached its full tilt towards the sun - a 6 month process that began at the Winter Solstice, the shortest, darkest day of the year.
The Summer Solstice ushers in the warmer weather, feelings of expansion and growth, and reminds us to embrace feelings of connectedness with elements like the warmth of the sun and the healing rejuvenation of water on our skin.
With the passing of Spring, we have watched flowers bloom and Mother Nature rebirth; now it is our turn to step into different environments that give opportunities for exploration and expansion into new horizons.
While some assume that solstices only hold significance in nature, it is imperative that we as humans do not disconnect from nature. We coexist with the weather, the plants, the animals, and even the stars above us.
Solstices and Equinoxes represent the onset of a new season.
The invitation during this year’s Summer Solstice is to share your abundance with others and to enrich yourself in sight, scent, touch, and taste!
The Summer Solstice, which translates to “The Sun Stands Still,” signifies a time to let go of your safety rails and swim in the deep end – walk by faith and not by sight – knowing that this is the perfect time of the year to embark on these intentions.
Now is the time to relax into the present, linger over meals and encounters, and savor every last drop of a moment’s connection as you allow time to flow with ease.
As our ancestors throughout our existence have honored the intertwining of the sun and summer solstice, deep rooted cultural celebrations and festivals ensued to commemorate the sun’s journey through our sky. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs or practices, the Summer Solstice gives you an opportunity to embrace the climax and cycle of growth, confidence, and enlightenment. This solstice is an auspicious time to consider and journal your manifestations, wishes, and prayers into fruition.
Since the Winter Equinox, are days have grown steadily lighter and as the days grew longer our spirits began to stir and awaken, craving sunshine, connection and activity.
June 21, 2022 marks this year’s Summer Solstice and we will be bathed in the full strength of the Sun’s fiery energy. Our spirits are fully awake, we are energized, refreshed and renewed.
On this light filled day, people worldwide come together to celebrate and welcome the new season, focusing on abundance, energy and connectivity.
The onset of the Summer Solstice also marks the beginning of the astrological Cancer season - the fourth sign of the zodiac sign represented by the protective yet distinguished crab.
The Cancer sign is known for being emotionally intelligent, nurturing, highly intuitive yet softly sensitive.
As we turn into the protective exoskeleton of the season of the crab, we turn within to understand who we are, what we have created in our lives, and where we would like to go – our next destination.
We encourage you to focus on building your home in simplicity and beauty while honoring the journeys that have led you to this very moment.
Share and invite others into what you have created, not only in your home but also into your career, your next big idea, and even into your hobbies that could enrich others in your life.
Easily accessible practices to incorporate during the summer:
Awaken early
Outdoor dining
Exercises that lead to sweating - try hot yoga
Preferred yoga poses - Camel Pose, Cobra Pose, Fish Pose, Extended Side Angle
Reach and stretch out towards the sun for nourishment to flourish
My personal favorite is drinking room temperature beverages - Don’t overload with iced beverages or ice cream as the summer heat in combination with cold food actually weakens the digestive organs. Growing up in Indonesia, my mother would enforce this throughout the warmer humid months because culturally, we believed that inviting the coldness (cold wind) into your body would entice sickness to arrive at your body’s doorstep. We call this “masuk angin.”
Breathwork to shed any lingering echoes of emotional stagnation so that you may emerge as a light to the community around you and be able to share your gift of abundance with others. Your community, family, colleagues, and most importantly yourself all deserve a version of you with clean magnetic energy.
Self Care Saturday, a gentle yet challenging yoga flow in combination with a delicious, uplifting sound bath.
Acupuncture to assist with the summer element of fire, which directly relates to the heart organ and our sense of speech. To restore balance within the heart, consider not only incorporating acupuncture into your self-care routine, but also bringing awareness to your spoken words.
During the summer months we tend to experience fluid, blood, and yin loss that can lead to anxiety, a racing heart, and palpitations. Acupuncture will help restore balance and calm to ensure that you enjoy your summer season!