Breathwork: The Latest Must Do Selfcare Ritual

There is a LOT going on right now.

Cold & flu season is upon us, Covid numbers are on the rise, the days are getting shorter and the election (and the holidays!) are just around the corner…

We could all use a little re-centering and a gentle reminder to keep breathing and focus on staying healthy, calm and in-tune with what we need physically, mentally and emotionally.

Holistic Practitioner Cecilia Goodman breaks down the latest, must-do self care ritual we should all take advantage of right now.


Private Breathwork Session

As an innovative Holistic Healthcare facility, Saffron & Sage has expanded our offerings  to include private, one-on-one breathwork sessions.  Several of our highly trained practitioners are certified Conscious-Connected Breathwork facilitators and understand that

where the breath, goes energy flows.

Rooted in Rebirthing and Transformational Breathwork, Conscious-Connected Breathwork is a breathing pattern that unites the inhale and exhale without pause.  Having the emphasis placed on the inhale, this breathing pattern hyper-oxygenates the body bringing energy and life-giving oxygen to areas where the breath may be restricted or shut down. 

By expanding the breath we nourish our bodies on a cellular level, leaving us with a heightened feeling of rejuvenation, relaxation, awareness and groundedness.        

Imagine walking into a 500 sq. ft. studio intentionally designed for sessions in the healing arts.  A facilitator has prepared a luxurious “breath throne” to position you in a comfortable reclined posture to maximize your oxygen intake.  Bolsters are placed on the mat to support the backs of your knees and arms so that once you are ready to begin your breath session you feel secure and cradled in support.  The room has been energetically cleared prior to your arrival and your facilitator is already holding sacred space for you as she welcomes you into the room and you begin a client intake conversation. 

 How could anyone turn down this nurturing invitation?  

The Breathwork Experience


Take-in the foliage and floral art installations hanging from the walls and ceiling. Notice the altar of candles and crystals on the far side of this room as you to begin communion with your higher self.  

The aroma of incense and sound of tranquil music helps prepare your mind and body for a ritualistic healing experience you know you won’t soon forget.  You are asked to set an intention for your breathwork practice and invited to slip on an eye-mask, gently letting all other thoughts or worries melt away.  

What to Expect in a Breathwork Session:

As your Conscious-Connected Breathwork session begins, your facilitator quietly observes your natural relaxed breathing pattern and begins to gently offer verbal cues guiding you into the breathing pattern of this modality.  As a hands-on breathwork modality, touch is applied to specifically designated points on the body where you are asked to send your awareness and breath.  Throughout the session your facilitator continues to administer, observations, verbal cues, affirmations and touch when needed.  This subtle presence and guidance reminds you that you are co-creating a sacred space for healing your mind, body and spirit.  

The Perfect Breath Session

Once your inhale is fully expanded and your exhale is gently released in a connected, rhythmic cycle, the sound of crystal singing bowls and chimes indicate the completion of the session.  Your facilitator expresses her gratitude for a perfect breath session and the ritual comes to a close.  Returning to your normal breathing pattern, you remove your eye-mask, blink your eyes open and find yourself feeling invigorated yet profoundly serene.  You share a few moments with your facilitator checking in with yourself physically, mentally/emotionally and spiritually, then  perhaps circling back to your intention for the session and acknowledging the beautiful work you have done.    


At Saffron & Sage we strive to support our community members in person and remotely.  Within our walls and during sessions our staff gives patients/clients their undivided attention.  After treatments practitioners follow-up with clients via email to address any questions or concerns that may arise surrounding treatment or after-care.      

We are honored to offer Private Breathwork sessions.  We truly believe it is a Must-Do Self-Care Ritual.             

*Note:  While clients are not required to wear a mask during their private breath session, the facilitator wears a mask and facial shield,  COVID19 precautions and cleaning procedures are followed.   


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