Respiratory Recovery Plan


Treatment Plan
by Dr. Hilda Gonzalez

Recovering from a respiratory illness does not have to include endless trips to the pharmacy and confusing ingredient analysis of conventional symptom relievers. Simple supplements you may find in the vitamin section or even keep in your medicine cabinet have been found to help aid in recovering from not only COVID-19, but other common illnesses that affect the lungs.

I have created an easy recovery plan that will have you feeling better within weeks.

Onset - Week 1: 

  • Take 1 week of *Clearing Formula. Take twice a day, 30 minutes after eating lunch and dinner.

  • Stay hydrated. Start morning with lemon water: juice of half a lemon in 10 ounces of warm water. Follow with vegetable broth or vegetable soup. 

  • Try drinking about 7 ounces of liquid per waking hour which is about 91 ounces or 2.7 liters for the day. This can include your herbal teas, lemon water, vegetable broth, etc. 

  • Electrolytes: Pick up some electrolytes to have daily. I recommend a powdered form like Truwild Hydrate as it is low in sugar and high in electrolytes. 

  • High dose Liposomal Vitamin C: A potent antioxidant that is important for a healthy immune system and preventing inflammation. Take 1 tablespoon, hold in mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Take on an empty stomach in the morning 10 minutes before meals. Do this twice a day before breakfast and lunch for 3 weeks. This supplement must be kept refrigerated. 

  • Zinc: Early research suggests that zinc reduces the risk for death from a respiratory infection, and it might help slow the virus’s replication. 

  • Take 1 capsule per day or every other day, preferably with food. Monitor your oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter or some smart watches have this feature as well. If it drops below 94%, then contact your healthcare provider. You want to be within 100-95%. 

  • Rest: give your body the opportunity to do what it needs to do by giving it plenty of rest; however, do try to move around (i.e. a gentle walk) throughout the day to avoid stagnation.

  • Please avoid exposing others as this is the most sensitive time for spreading the disease. Sleep, stay home, and take it easy. 

Ongoing - Week 2: Recovery

  • Switch to your *Respiratory Recovery Formula. Add 2 scoops to a warm cup of water (8-10 ounces) mix and enjoy. Take 30 minutes after breakfast and 30 minutes after lunch. Take for 4 weeks. 

  • Continue maintaining hydration. 

  • Breathwork:

    • Imagine as if you are blowing a dandelion flower, inhale & release a forceful exhale. Repeat 5-10 times. 

    • Then switch to slow belly inhales (focus on the space below your belly button) inhale slowly, hold, and control like a gentle low sigh with your mouth open exhale. Repeat 5 times. Do this daily in the morning for a few minutes. 

  • Antioxidants: begin eating a lot of high antioxidant foods like berries and dark leafy greens to reduce any lingering inflammation. 

  • Follow up with me for a treatment to focus on tonifying your lungs and protective Qi. 

  • Once you have a negative test, come in for a treatment and/or a recovery IV. 

*Call Saffron & Sage to order Formulas as these are made in-house just for you.

These recommendations have not been approved by the FDA.
Covid-19 is a novel virus, and all recommendations are based on herbal theory.

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