Professional Growth Factors

What are growth factors?

Growth factors are a set of proteins that are found naturally in the body’s skin cells when we’re younger. What makes this set of proteins so important are their role in cell growth and their impact on revitalizing aging cells for naturally occurring younger-looking skin. A type of growth factors, known as cytokines, are involved in regulating the immune system and repairing the skin.

The application of topical growth factors after microneedling can be useful to reduce visual signs of aging by improving skin texture and minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

why should you care about growth factors?

Our skin is our largest organ in the human body, contributing to our immune function as it protects our internal environment from the external environment. The stronger and healthier our skin barrier, the better chances of our internal organs having a healthy functioning immune system throughout our entire body.

Chronic sun exposure is one of the leading causes of skin damage, resulting in fine lines, wrinkles, poor texture and sagging skin. With the use of growth factors and treatments such as microneedling, the skin has the capacity to repair wrinkles and scarring, resulting in younger, healthier looking facial skin.


What makes our microneedling treatments with professional growth factors so effective?

Most skin care brands use growth factors sourced from plants, which have little to no effect on human skin receptors. Saffron & Sage on the other hand, uses lab-grown proteins that naturally occur in human skin, meaning better, more effect results for you!

Benefits of Growth Factors:

  • Uses your body’s natural growth factors to stimulate repair function in the skin

  • Heals burns and scars along with reducing wrinkles

  • Restores cells health function

  • Targets unique skin conditions

  • Evens skin tone

  • Nourishes skin for a healthy glow from the inside out

Types of professional growth factors:

tgf - Beta’s

  • Stimulates collagen production

  • Stimulates fibroblast collagensis

  • Increases fribronectin synthesis

  • Inhibits matrix degradation

  • Faciliates cell chemotaxis

  • Controls fibroblast activation of collagen synthesis


  • Stimulates fibroblast collagenesis and glycosaminoglycan production

  • Stimulates angiogenesis

  • Stimulates wound contraction

  • Faciliates cell chemotaxis


  • Improves leukocyte function

  • Activates neutrophils, monocytes/macrophages

  • Stimulates proliferation and differentiation


  • Regulates cell homeostasis

IL-3, IL-6

  • Regulates neutrophil functions

IL-7, IL-8

  • Function as anti-inflammatory agents and stimulate wound healing

Experience the power of professional growth factors in combination with microneedling treatment at Saffron & Sage!

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