Modern Apothecary Event Recap

Contributor: Nailah Bakari
Photographer: Taylor Balding & Hannah Bernabe

Saffron & Sage held its Modern Apothecary class on Monday evening in Little Italy at Vino Carta. On September 19, 2016, local “Saffrons” gathered at the local wine bar to learn all about essential oils and herbs to incorporate for the Autumn season. 


Everyone began to gather around 5:45 in the evening. Vino Carta was the perfect location to host our plant-based medicine class. Located in the heart of Little Italy, Vino Carta is a local wine bar and shop that supports small, family-run producers and only serves organic and biodynamic wine. Upon entrance, our guests stepped into a soothing atmosphere as they were greeted by the amazing staff of Vino Carta and, of course, Saffron & Sage. As the class began we took our seats at a dinner hall style table adorned with fresh flowers from Huntress Florals and elegant long-stemmed wine glasses, three for each guest. Each guest was poured a half glass of Vino Carta’s finest—a white wine from Côtes De Gascogne, France, a blush—also from France, and lastly a red, by-far everyone’s favorite—a Syrah from Northern California.

Our Holistic Health Practitioner, Jacquelyne Price, who specializes in Herbology and Applied Kinesiology, began our time together by introducing us to the history and meaning of the term “Apothecary,” explaining to us that Apothecary had two primary meaning: both a pharmacist and a pharmacy. Originally you would go to an Apothecary to receive your medicine, which at that time consisted of herbal remedies. Price then continued to walk us through the historical transition from plant-based medicine to pharmaceutical medicine that we know so well today. 

In addition to exploring the cultural transition in modern medicine we explored the scientific basis for plant-based medicine and how the cellular structure of whole foods, herbs and essential oils are similarly structured on a cellular level—and therefore are automatically recognized and assimilated by—our bodies. 


As it turns out herbs and essential oils aren’t “alternative” at all but rather a more primal and natural way of supporting and healing the body—not to mention the mind. It turns out that herbs and spices have twice the density of vitamins and minerals than our fruits and vegetables, and essential oils are 50-70% more potent than herbs and spices. Essential oils also have the highest vibrational frequency than any living thing because they are the life blood of the herbs, flowers and leaves from which they are taken. What’s more is that essential oils, unlike other forms of plant-based medicine, have the power to penetrate the blood-brain barrier

Price expertly described how essential oils could support us with sleep, digestion, relaxation, and so much more. She went on to explain that the body knows how to heal itself; essential oils simply support the various systems of the body so that it can be the best it can be. Price went through several different essential oils to support us in the Autumn season, including Lavender, Peppermint, Grapefruit, Clary Sage, and Lemongrass, and explained the benefits of each, and how best to use them. For example, did you know that Peppermint—a cooling oil—can replace medication like Aspirin when you have a headache by simply rubbing a few drops into your temples near your hairline. We also learned that Fennel (which smells like Black Licorice by the way) can be applied topically to your stomach when you have a stomach ache, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation or even food poisoning. It can also be combined with Clary Sage to support women suffering from menstrual cramps. 

As we made our way towards the end of the evening, Price surprised everyone by teaching us how to incorporate muscle testing (also known as Applied Kinesiology) into our routine and utilize the science to become better in tune with our bodies, enabling us to identify which organs and systems to which we are being invited to pay attention, and therefore understanding what foods, herbs, spices and essential oils would best be incorporated. The example served as a preview of one of Saffron & Sage’s other classes, Mapping Our Emotions, which explores the emotions related to each organ and system in the body. 

As we finished our last glass of wine the class came to a close. Each of our guests were then able to ask any final questions they had about plant-based medicine and finish up chatting with those sitting next to them. The evening was complete. What better way to spend a Monday evening than over wine tasting while learning about how to better support your wellness journey using the oldest of remedies—plants!

If you missed this class and would like to join us for the next Modern Apothecary, go to our events page to register for the next offering. If you would like to join us for Mapping our Emotions (which is coming up this Monday) you can reserve your spot here