Less is More


Call it Minimalism, Intentionalism, Simple Living - whatever name you wish. The simple philosophy of removing the excess can help in all areas of life.

Less Is More

How might your life be better with less?

Less stuff means less to worry about, organize and clean.
Less virtual clutter means less time wasted, less background worrying.
Less weight (if overweight) means less risk of chronic diseases and early death.
Less activities means less rushing, less worry and less anxiety.
Less spending, leading to less debt (eventually zero).

How does this lead to more?

The benefits begin after decluttering in any area.
The process may take months to more than a year - faster if you’d like.
Once you’ve removed the clutter and the excess, you can enjoy:

More time for yourself, family, friends, loved ones.
More freedom to do the things you love.
More money for savings, your dreams and the future.
More physical strength, agility and longevity.

So, how do you start?

Begin by shutting off the influx.
Firstly - embracing the power of “no”.
Reducing your commitments, freeing up your time.
Politely declining new invitations or responsibilities.
Stop buying new things, do not add to the clutter.
Turn off notifications, from your phone and other devices.
Unsubscribe from emails
Unfriend people you actually don’t know on social media
Deleting social media and unnecessary apps from your phone
Thus, you begin to control where you put your attention.
You gain back power over our only true non-renewable resource:

Your Time.

If this appeals to you, begin as above, then learn more.

Best resources to start with:

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