How to Prepare for Your Facial Lymphatic Drainage Session and What to Do at Home for Best Results


Facial lymphatic drainage is a popular holistic treatment designed to boost your lymphatic system and improve your skin’s health and appearance. By encouraging the movement of lymphatic fluid, this treatment helps to eliminate toxins, reduce puffiness, and enhance skin texture. But to fully enjoy its benefits, proper preparation and aftercare are essential. This blog will guide you through how to prepare for your facial lymphatic drainage session and the best aftercare practices to maintain glowing, healthy skin.

Preparing for Your Facial Lymphatic Drainage Session

Proper preparation ensures that your body and skin are primed to receive the full benefits of the treatment. Here are the best practices:

1. Hydrate Well Before Your Session

Hydration is crucial for your lymphatic system to work efficiently. Drinking plenty of water before your session helps flush out toxins more effectively and supports lymphatic drainage.

Tip: Aim to drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day leading up to your appointment to keep your lymphatic system hydrated and functioning well.

2. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine 

Alcohol and caffeine are dehydrating substances that can disrupt lymphatic flow. These should be avoided at least 24 hours before your session.

Tip: Opt for herbal teas or water infused with lemon or cucumber as an alternative to coffee or alcohol.

3. Come with a clean face

 Arrive at your session with a clean, makeup-free face to allow your practitioner to perform the treatment without obstructions. Makeup can block the pores and interfere with the movement of lymphatic fluid.

Tip: Cleanse your face thoroughly before the session and avoid any heavy creams or serums on the day of your treatment.

4. Eat Light

A heavy meal can hinder the lymphatic process by diverting the body’s energy to digestion. To get the most out of your session, stick to a light meal or snack at least an hour before your appointment.

Tip: Opt for light, nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, or a smoothie to maintain energy levels without feeling overly full.

5. Practice Deep Breathing 

Deep breathing promotes relaxation and stimulates lymphatic flow. Before your session, spend a few minutes practicing deep, conscious breathing to prepare your body and mind for the treatment.

Tip: Try inhaling for four seconds, holding for four seconds, and exhaling for four seconds to relax and encourage lymphatic flow.

What to Expect During Your Session

Facial lymphatic drainage is a gentle, soothing treatment designed to promote lymphatic flow and encourage detoxification. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Initial Assessment: Your practitioner will assess your skin and lymphatic health to customize the treatment.

  • Techniques Used: Techniques like Gua Sha, facial cupping, and manual massage are often employed to stimulate lymphatic flow. These techniques gently move fluid toward the lymph nodes, encouraging detoxification and reducing puffiness.

  • Duration: The session typically lasts 60 minutes. You may feel a mild tingling sensation as the lymph fluid moves, but overall, the treatment should feel calming and relaxing.

After the session, you will notice a reduction in puffiness, improved skin texture, and a fresh, rejuvenated appearance.

Aftercare Tips for Maximum Benefits

Following proper aftercare will help you maintain the effects of your facial lymphatic drainage for as long as possible. Here’s how to care for your skin after the session:

1. Stay Hydrated 

Hydration continues to be key even after your session. Drinking plenty of water helps the body flush out the toxins that were released during the treatment.

Tip: Aim to drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day to support detoxification and keep the lymphatic system functioning efficiently.

2. Limit Salt Intake 

Salt can cause water retention, which may counteract the effects of lymphatic drainage. Reducing your salt intake helps prevent fluid buildup in the days following your treatment.

Tip: Opt for fresh, low-sodium meals to help maintain the results of your session and keep puffiness at bay.

3. Practice Gentle Self-Massage 

You can continue to stimulate lymphatic flow at home by incorporating gentle self-massage techniques using upward, sweeping motions. This encourages circulation, reduces puffiness, and extends the benefits of your facial lymphatic drainage session.

Tip: Enhance Your Routine with Gua Sha

For an even more effective at-home massage, use a Jade Gua Sha tool, such as the one offered by Saffron & Sage. Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese technique that helps to promote lymphatic drainage, improve circulation, and enhance skin tone. The Saffron & Sage Jade Gua Sha is designed specifically for facial massage, making it an ideal tool to gently sculpt the contours of your face while reducing puffiness and promoting lymphatic flow.


How to Use: Apply gentle pressure while sweeping the jade Gua Sha tool upwards along the jawline, cheeks, and under-eye area. Focus on areas prone to puffiness like the jawline and under the eyes, using slow, deliberate movements to stimulate lymphatic drainage.

Pro Tip: For best results, use the Gua Sha tool with a hydrating serum or facial oil to allow the tool to glide smoothly over your skin without pulling.

You can shop for the Saffron & Sage Jade Gua Sha here and incorporate it into your daily self-care routine to keep your skin glowing and healthy.

4. Get Plenty of Rest 

Your body will be processing the toxins released during the treatment, so it’s important to get adequate rest to support recovery. Good quality sleep helps your body regenerate and enhances the results of lymphatic drainage.

Tip: Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep the night after your session to help your body rejuvenate and enhance the effects of the treatment.

5. Moisturize and Protect Your Skin 

Your skin is especially receptive to hydration after a lymphatic drainage session. Applying a nourishing moisturizer immediately afterward will help lock in moisture and maintain your skin’s softness and glow.

Tip: Use Gentle, Hydrating Products

To help your skin recover and stay plump, choose products with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid or facial oils. Avoid harsh exfoliants or active ingredients, such as retinoids or strong acids, immediately after your session to allow your skin to fully benefit from the treatment.


For a recommended product, consider the Saffron & Sage Restore Balancing Moisturizer available in the skincare shop. This moisturizer is designed to hydrate and balance the skin, making it an ideal choice for post-treatment care. Its gentle formulation will help maintain your skin’s health and radiance without causing irritation.

By incorporating this product into your aftercare routine, you’ll enhance the hydration your skin needs to recover and retain its glowing, smooth appearance.

Facial lymphatic drainage is an excellent way to enhance your skin’s health and appearance by reducing puffiness, eliminating toxins, and improving texture. Proper preparation and aftercare are essential to getting the most out of your treatment. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that you leave your session feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and glowing.

Are you ready to glow from within? Book your facial lymphatic drainage session at Saffron & Sage and enjoy the benefits of a holistic approach to skincare. Schedule your appointment now and give your skin the care it deserves!